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Isla Culebrita / East Beach

Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from E .
There is Trade wind at Isla Culebrita / East Beach, Puerto Rico.
Wind usually blows from E on the spot.
The best moments to come to Isla Culebrita / East Beach, Puerto Rico are January, February, March, April and December .

Beach and Tide Conditions

Kitesurfing conditions do not depend on Tide on this spot.
Isla Culebrita / East Beach, Puerto Rico is a Chop and Small waves spot.
The launching/landing area is reported to be of Medium size.

Need to know

There is no beach users reported here.
When you are on water, be careful of Rocks .

Beach risk reported: None .
The is no particular rules reported , but as a best practice, talk to a local before you go on water.

Hourly Forecast 8 days
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